15 Amazing Resources to learn Google Analytics?
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Google Analytics is a powerful tool in the hands of marketers. It can help you track everything from your website’s traffic to conversions and more.
There are many different ways that you can learn Google Analytics, but which one will work best for you? In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the most popular options available to any marketer looking to dive into Google Analytics.
Google Analytics is an important tool for marketers to help them make decisions on how to optimize their website. Monitor traffic stats, conversions and much much more.
With a wealth of information available, it can be hard to know where or how to start.
I’m going to cover 15 best resources so you can learn Google Analytics and give you a few tips along the way!
So which is the best way? Depends, everyone is different. Listed below are the 15 best ways to learn Google Analytics
Resources To Learn Google Analytics
1. Google Analytics Academy
Price: free
If you want to learn Google Analytics. Why not go to the people who created it? Google.
One of the best resources to learn Google Analytics. Is the training that is available at the Google Analytics Academy
The Academy has a course for each level: Beginner, Advanced, and Pro.
The training is simple and clear. At the end of each unit, you can practice using a demo account. The data is the same as from the course you’ve taken, so it’s easy to put in place what you’ve learned. you can even take a quiz to test your knowledge.
In our opinion. There isn’t a better resource to learn Google Analytics. The Google Analytics Academy has helped many companies and employees learn more.
It works because the training offers a step-by-step guide on how to work with Google Analytics. Learning at your own speed from experts in the field
Google has put together four distinctive training tracks. That will teach you everything you need to take full advantage of the analytic platform. You’ll learn quite a bit about data collection and analysis. Which will help you make smarter business decisions.
It’s easy to get past the basics. This course equips marketers with no-nonsense, practical data. Allow you to assess current marketing strategies and make changes to poor-performing elements.
2. Google Analytics’ YouTube Channel
Price: free
One of the best resources online to learn almost anything is YouTube. Learning Google Analytics is not different.
It’s no surprise that as Google owns YouTube. They have a YouTube channel on there dedicate to learning Google Analytics.
You may be someone who learns better by watching videos. Then implementing what you have learned at your own pace.
If so learning Google Analytics from their YouTube channel would work well for you. And it’s free.
At the time of writing this blog, there are over 30 playlists of videos that you can watch.
It’s a great place to learn Google Analytics, whether you’re a beginner. Or what to dive into more advanced features
3. Jeff Sauer at Data Driven (formerly Jeffalytics)
Price: $499
Another amazing resource is the courses offered by Jeff Sauer/Jeffalytics
His courses go from beginner/newbie practices like account creation and confirming tracking. To advanced processes like goal tracking and ideal filter views.
Jeff Sauer’s ‘Google Analytics Mastery’ course that he hosts over at DataDrivenU. He keeps all his courses and lessons updated. So that they line up with any new changes to the GA dashboard.”
Jeff goes into much greater detail than Google’s Academy courses. Taking you through beginner, intermediate and advanced modules. After covering the various reports he then takes you through consulting. Google Tag Manager and even GDPR.”
There are 90 videos and a lot of supplemental reading material. So when you’ve completed everything. You’ll be able to tackle the analytics exam with extreme confidence,”
So why are his courses so good?
Jeff was one of the beta testers of Google Analytics in 2005. And he has been teaching internet marketers about Google Analytics for years.
This course aims to take the students from beginner to expert within a month.
Would you like to learn Google Analytics in 30 days?
4. Annielytics
Price: Lite– $295 / Guided — $995 / Basic — $1,295 and some free mini-courses
Many people recommend this Google Analytics resource by Annielytics because “Annie does a great job with her training and has some very valuable free resources. It’s well worth checking out if you are looking to strengthen your analytics game.”
Annie has been an evangelist for Google Analytics for well over a decade.
Her knowledge, passion, and ability to make intimidating tasks in GA a breeze.
This makes her training programs a go-to resource for any digital marketer looking to build or sharpen their analytic skills.
5. MeasureSchool YouTube Channel
Price: free
Another great free resource, delivered using YouTube is MeasureSchool.
MeasureSchool covers a huge range of topics associated with Google Analytics. Google Tag Manager, and more!
They also have a free email subscription. That will email you all their standout content right to your inbox.
MeasureSchool does a great job of explaining complex analytics issues. They do this using easy-to-digest and understand videos.
It’s a must for anyone looking to get more out of their data.
They cover even more elements in greater detail. And are excellent if you need to set up Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager tracking combinations.
Giving you all the tools and technical knowledge you need. This allows you to become more creative as a marketer. Allowing you to achieve the marketing goals you set out.
Check out their video on 10 things to master in Google Analytics. It could be a real quick win for you.
6. LinkedIn Learning
Price: One month Free trial/ €30.23/month (monthly subscription)/€20.16/month (annual subscription)
LinkedIn learning has a training course for Google Analytics.
It covers the essentials and will not only help you learn but also prep you to pass the Google Analytics certification.
It requires you to sign-up for a free for 30 days trial, but you have to pay after that. It also now lives on LinkedIn Learning.
LinkedIn seems to be adding a lot of new course to their learning platform all the time. They are providing more in-depth courses to help learn more advanced features of Google Analytics.
7. Google Analytics Courses on Udemy
Price: combination of free and paid courses — *Paid courses vary in price*
I’ve signed up for a few courses on Udemy. Trying to learn different marketing disciplines. Learning Google Analytics is no different.
Udemy is your top choice for Google Analytics training. Why? Because you’ve got the choice between many different resources. You can check other people’s reviews. So you can select a specific skill in Google Analytics that you want to learn.
Udemy’s “Google Analytics Certification: Become Certified & Earn More”. Is a quick and comprehensive resource that teaches to the certification test.
Google Analytics is huge. There is so much you can do with analytics. There are many courses that focus on the basics. So you don’t get distracted by too much detail.
They usually give you access to training materials that you can download. Even walk you through how to even get your Google Analytics certification as well!
There are also many courses that take the time to explain every detail of Google analytics. And how to use the “free Google Analytics version” to its fullest extent,
One of those GA courses is Google Analytics: Double Your Conversions With No Extra Cost. “I recommend it because it’s focused on marketing. And on improving website conversions.
8. Clarity FM
Price: Varies (pay by the minute)
One resource that is slightly different is Clarity.FM,”
Clarity is a directory of consultants and experts who can advise on a wide variety of expertise, including Google Analytics.
For example, you can get on a call with an export. Learn the most important of what you need to know. As well as asking questions if you haven’t understood something.
You pay by the minute, and the rates are usually fair, so it’s cost-effective.
9. ConversionXL Institute
Price: 7 day free trial for $1, Personal monthly plan: 206,13 € , Team monthly plan: 927,20 € (for 5 people)
The CXL Institute offers a Google Analytics Beginners course, which is a great way to start learning Google Analytics.
It’s not free but if you want to get started with Google Analytics. It is one of the best, most stimulating ways forward.
The videos are informal and fast-paced. There is zero jargon and the instructor shows you where you are likely to go wrong.
Even the very first video (after the introduction) delivers massive value. By diving straight into filtering data and constructing audience segment conditions.
It provides step-by-step guidance with actual videos and problem sets along the way. The instructor answers common questions and provides real-life examples.”
Another recommendation is the Go from zero to effective in using Google Analytics. It’s a good way to understand Google Analytics reports. And how to interpret the data in the reports.
10. Matthew Edgar’s Introduction to Google Analytics
Price: Free
Matthew Edgar has a great free, 20-minute Skillshare video that I find myself constantly sending to work associates who want to utilize Google Analytics.
The video discusses what Google Analytics is. And defines analytic terms to give a basic foundation of understanding. Before diving into how to install tracking code.
Matthew shows how to use different metrics and reports, such as date ranges, referrals, sources, visitor paths, and pages. It’s an easy-to-understand, in-depth introduction without being intimidating.
11. ClickMinded’s Web Analytics Training Course
Price: $997
ClickMinded Web Analytics training course digs deep into Google Analytics, how you (& your team) can use this powerful tool to track your core business metrics and make better decisions from insights gathered.
This course has a great starting point. Where it helps you understand analytics in the context of your business.
Really helpful if you are trying to improve your website and use it to grow your business.
12. Analytics Mania
Price: Free
Now. Analytics Mania isn’t a standard learning platform. And it isn’t focused on learning Google Analytics.
I’ve found it to be very useful when trying to learn things related to the newer Google Analytics Version 4 (GA4).
It can be quite difficult to see how to check stats or run reports. If you have been used to the older version of Google Analytics.
Julius, who runs the site. Has done an amazing job of creating a lot of blog posts around this issue. Helping others figure out how to track the website stats with GA4.
You can find a few eBooks and checklists on his site too. Helping you make sure you don’t miss anything.
13. Analytics Essentials from LovesData.com
Price: Free
The course covers Google Analytics terminology, methods for measuring different marketing streams, ways to use data to improve campaigns, building reports, and using data to drive conversions. It’s beginner-friendly, starting with the most basic elements of Google Analytics, but offers a lot for intermediate and advanced users as well.
Analytics Essentials includes over 10 video lessons that can be accessed from any device, as well as quizzes to help you assess your learning. It also includes lifetime access so you can review courses again and again as needed — which is a great feature if Google Analytics isn’t something you use everyday.
Analytics Essentials is free because LovesData is really hoping you’ll spring for their full paid Google Analytics course. However, it’s a fantastic deal for people who want to learn Google Analytics before investing too heavily, or for people who need to know just a little data analysis here and there in support of their primary job. Either way, the course is thorough and well-reviewed.
14. Pluralsight — Google Analytics Fundamentals
Price: subscription required
I love Pluralsight. Working as a software developer for many years. It’s a great way to learn new frameworks and programming languages.
They have branched out over the years. Yes, you can learn Google Analytics on Pluralsight too.
The course to get starting learning Google Analytics with it. Is their Google Analytics Fundamentals course
“Quickly master Google Analytics with this hands-on, scenario-driven course, and start measuring the performance of your websites today”.
15. A Beginners Guide To Google Analytics by Neil Patel
Price: Free
In my eyes, Neil Patel is a rock star when it comes to understanding Google’s search algorithm.
This is no different with Google Analytics.
In Neil’s A Beginner’s Guide to Google Analytics blog post. He gives an in-depth run-through of how to get started with Google Analytics.
Best of all it’s free. If it’s written by one of the best digital marketers on the planet. Then you know it will provide you with values.
There are lots of resources out there to help you learn Google Analytics.
We’ve discussed 15 resources to get started with google analytics in this blog post, but if these don’t suit your needs or you need more support, we can provide it.
Want a quick way to review your Google Analytics stats and produce reports? Try Elementary Analytics for free with our 14-day free trial and see how easy it is!